Have you found the precious pearl of gnosis, knowing the One True God?
From the AHYeH book:
If food and drink, or the use of narcotics, are more important than reaching the Limitless Living Light, than so be it; eat and drink what you will, or delude yourself with drugs and alcohol till you drop dead.
Wallow in your muck, ye swine, and return again and again to your own vomit, ye dogs, and perish in the belly of your pretender-gods. (4) My pearls are not given to such ones, but are presented to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. (5)
From the Gospel of Thomas:
(76) Jesus said, "The kingdom of the father is like a merchant who had a consignment of merchandise and who discovered a pearl. That merchant was shrewd. He sold the merchandise and bought the pearl alone for himself. You too, seek his unfailing and enduring treasure where no moth comes near to devour and no worm destroys."
From the Gospel of Philip:
When the Pearl is cast down into the mud,
it becomes greatly despised,
nor if it is anointed with oil
will it become more precious.
But it always has value
in the eyes of its owner.
Compare the children of God:
wherever they may be,
they still have value
in the eyes of their Father.
From the Ginza Rabba, The Great Treasure -- Mandaean Gnostic Scriptures:
"In the Name of the Great Life (Hayyi Rabbi), may the exalted Light be honored. The Pearl came, which gave Light to dark hearts. Radiance sought to be. Light awoke and became."
From the Ruba‘iyat [Quatrains] Poetry:
Precious Pearl
Fati, your nature with light is adorned!
Bonds of the intellect's veil have been shorn!
As though from an ocean of light and of grace
This precious pearl so pure has been born!
The Path
Fati who treads the path of the angelic domain
Wants to pass from the state of the noetic domain
She is blind who from the well of the sensible domain
Would go without a guide toward the divine domain
The Absolute Beauty
Fati, uproot your heart from worldly interests
Withdraw your heart from befriending this and that
Opt for only the one Friend who is the absolute beauty
Withdraw your heart from the being and space of this world
Fati, what does it mean, you and the reality of gnosis
What does it mean to comprehend the essence without attributes?
Having not read the A you shall not find your way to Z
Having not read the path, what does it mean to be gifted?
From the Exegesis of Pihilip K. Dick:
“I doubt if you exist,” I said. And the infinite regress instantly flew into motion once more. “Infinity,” God said. The pile of computer punch cards grew; it was by far the largest pile; it was infinite.
“I will play this game forever,” God said, “or until you become tired.”
I said, “I will find a thought, an explanation, a theory, that does not set off an infinite regress.” And, as soon as I said that, an infinite regress was set off. God said, “Over a period of six and a half years you have developed theory after theory to explain 2-3-74. Each night when you go to bed you think, ‘At last I found it. I tried out theory after theory until now, finally, I have the right one.’ And then the next morning you wake up and say, ‘There is one fact not explained by that theory. I will have to think up another theory.’ And so you do. By now it is evident to you that you are going to think up an infinite number of theories, limited only by your lifespan, not limited by your creative imagination. Each theory gives rise to a subsequent theory, inevitably. Let me ask you; I revealed myself to you and you saw that I am the infinite void. I am not in the world, as you thought; I am transcendent, the deity of the Jews and Christians. What you see of me in world that you took to ratify pantheism — that is my being filtered through, broken up, fragmented and vitiated by the multiplicity of the flux world; it is my essence, yes, but only a bit of it: fragments here and there, a glint, a riffle of wind . . . now you have seen me transcendent, separate and other from world, and I am more; I am the infinitude of the void, and you know me as I am. Do you believe what you saw? Do you accept that where the infinite is, I am; and where I am, there is the infinite?”
I said, “Yes.”
God said, “And your theories are infinite, so I am there. Without realizing it, the very infinitude of your theories pointed to the solution; they pointed to me and none but me. Are you satisfied, now? You saw me revealed in theophany; I speak to you now; you have, while alive, experienced the bliss that is to come; few humans have experienced that bliss. Let me ask you, was it a finite bliss or an infinite bliss?”
I said, “Infinite.”
From TheAhyeh book, Monologue 2: Arrogance & Golden Threads:
Manmade religions are empty visions, which raise no one from the grave of living death and only reinforce the chains that bind a spirit to the (1) wheel of everlasting repetition and soul-annihilation. God-given revelations are never perfect or complete, because humans receive only what they can conceive, and the waters of life pass through the filter of culture, experience, and expectations. This is, however, by design – messages given to specific peoples and ages, and the dogmatic rarely receive for narrowness of vision.
Universes are wombs and no soul obtains maturity, lest born of truth and spirit into the infinite and eternal realms of manifest intellect and emotion.
Your universe is a gaping abyss, and no human escapes its grasp, its many traps, lest he or she receive assistance from the (2) numina of true illumination.
Inner grief and outward confusion! All you see and experience within the abyss is an illusion of questions, which are answered by more illusions.
Illusion reflects illusion.
Illusion observes illusion.
Illusion dissects illusion.
Illusion measures illusion.
Illusion reaches conclusions about illusion.
Both the religious and the irreligious shall reject what I give you hereafter. Pulling forth a golden thread woven into the tapestry of history, sewn into many sects, hidden within seven monotheistic religions, and revealed in fragments within varied mystical traditions. Revealing a distillation and a merging of ideas and ideals, to create a unity of purpose and vision, by which to reach for the Transcendent One, as individuals and societies.
I come to declare the kingdom and the cause unto the penitent and the faithful of the earth and the heavens. Those who can hear and see, who do the work that is given, shall find an open doorway in the highest heaven, and shall find that truth has set them free.
Do not become discouraged in your lack of knowing. Go here and there seeking knowledge, wisdom, understanding, and truth, and see the pieces of the puzzle, which I now lay before you, forming a larger view. If doctrine is more important to you than truth, then go no further along this golden path – only rage and bitterness of spirit shall you gain, as the scroll turns your stomach sour.
Pistis Sophia: A Third Book: Chapter 110 "
When then the Saviour had said this, the disciples came forward, cried out all together and said: "O Saviour, thou hath made us very exceedingly frenzied because of the great deeds of which thou tellest us; and because thou hast borne up our souls, they have pressed to go forth out of us |280. unto thee, for we issue from thee. Now, therefore, because of these great deeds of which thou tellest us, our souls have become frenzied and they have pressed very exceedingly, yearning to go forth out of us on high to the region of thy kingdom."
From the Pistis Sophia, chapter 95:
It came to pass then, when Jesus had heard Mary say these words and knew that the disciples had heard and had begun to let go, that he encouraged them and said unto them: "Grieve no more, my disciples, concerning the mystery of, the Ineffable, thinking that ye will not understand it. Amēn, I say unto you: That mystery is yours, and every one's who will give ear unto you, so that they renounce this whole world and the whole matter therein and renounce all the evil thoughts therein and renounce all the cares of this æon.
"Now, therefore, I say unto you: For every one who will renounce the whole world and all therein and will submit himself to the godhead, that mystery is far easier than all the mysteries of the Light-kingdom and it is sooner to understand than them all and it is easier [?] than them all. He who reacheth unto the gnosis of that mystery, renounceth this whole world and all the cares therein.
"For this cause have I said to you aforetime: 'All ye who are heavy under your burden, come hither unto me, and I will quicken you. For my burden is easy and my yoke is soft.' Now, therefore, he who will receive that mystery, renounceth the whole world and the cares of all the matter therein. For this cause, therefore, my disciples, grieve not, thinking that ye will not understand that mystery. Amēn, I say unto you: That mystery is far sooner to understand than all mysteries. And amēn, I say unto you: That mystery is yours and every one's who will renounce the whole world and the whole matter therein.
From the AhYeh book:
Remember, that God's wisdom often seems nonsensical to humankind, and that God's truths are counter-intuitive to the assumptions of man. What mankind regards as wise is often seen as foolishness to us, and what humanity regards as knowledge The Divine and angelic regard as part of the illusion.
The ninth holy expression of agape is the view of God as wisdom itself. This is the hunger and thirst for depth and breadth, the way of wise men and of hermits, of wandering in the desert and of climbing sacred mountains, of seeking the Burning Bush and of questing for the Holy Grail.
If you are confused by what I am trying to reveal, I answer your confusion by saying, "Seek wisdom, seek understanding, seek knowledge, and seek truth."
It is presented also, a strange path, unto those who dream and yearn for something more – for in Uriel and Divine Wisdom, a path is opened, that leads through the Crucible of Being (5), unto the Tree of Life, and there beyond, as in Exodus, unto a promised land; the new heavens and the new earths, where the dreams of humanity can be made manifest and fully realized.
For they that would walk in the way of immortals, who would climb in sacred ambition and enter into the ranks of the divine hosts, I say unto you – spirit and truth is the way. In truth and spirit to forge the kingdom of I AM within you, and in truth and spirit to take up the eternal banner of the holy crusade, in this world and every other.
Thank for this. Banishes some doubts, brings clarity even to my self - for I have gotten so bogged down in the political/social mess of this world lately, I've forgotten at times the point of it all... which is transcendence.
The problem in mysticism, among gurus and mystics, is that they are so 'other' as to be of little earthly good... the problem of priesthoods, is that they become so 'worldly' as to be of no spiritual value, and quite the opposite.
Urianism, and really God's Fiery Light, is trying to bridge this gap, straddle the sea and the land, with the rainbow over his head. Imagine for a moment, first a church that can achieve it, but a society centered on mystocratic meritocracy.
Urian teching is mre focusd though imo
Well done sir. Reading this gave me chills.