The name Jesus is mentioned 84 times in The Ahyeh.
Though we do not call ourselves Christian, but Urian, it must be understood that Jesus/Yeshua is acknowledged by Urianism as the primary human face of The One. He is the interface that points towards El Elyon, the Father, The Infinite.
Urianism can be said to have its roots in Christianity, just as Christianity can be said to have its roots in Judaism.
Monologue 10 notes
In this revelation Jesus/Yeshua (used interchangeably) is regarded as the primary human manifestation/incarnation and representation of Cosmic Immanuel, among humans… in other terms, the primary human face of The One. I would also point out a hidden meaning for our time: I’m-Anu-El.
Monologue 43 notes.
Among Christians there is great contention around the name of the Christian Messiah/God. Let those who are From Heaven set this divisiveness aside – using the names Jesus, Yeshua, Yahshua interchangeably… For I tell you true, whatever name you call upon, the same spirit-being answers. It is merely a distraction and tact of division, used by those who would elevate themselves over their fellows in the Christian faith. For us Jesus, Yeshua, Yahshua, or Iesus (etc) are one personage, who is the primary face of Immanuel.
Over the years, it has been the human Christians that I have had conflict with, not the spirit of Immanuel. Among the humans who claim to be Christian, I have met good, bad and neutral people. Unfortunately, as in most cases among human society, often the loudest voices are the most corrupt and hypocritical.
We must always strive to understand that Urianism is a Filter. That is to say that Urianism passed through a human mind that interpreted the message in accordance to his understanding and culture at the time.
This is by design.
No lesser mind can withstand the unfiltered mind of God without going mad and possibly simply merging with The One.
Therefore, God uses the filters to ramp down the power, so to speak, so a lesser mind can receive the message. This means that more limited the mind, the greater the filter. But the filter is necessary if God is to communicate with his creation at all.